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What is The Virtual Idea Building Exchange System (V.I.B.E.S.)™?

Home Forums V.I.B.E.S. FAQs Forum What is The Virtual Idea Building Exchange System (V.I.B.E.S.)™?

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  • #1196

    The Virtual Idea Building Exchange System (V.I.B.E.S.)™ is most simply “Open Source with an incentive.”

    The Virtual Idea Building Exchange System (V.I.B.E.S.)™ provides a collaborative design interface for a collaborative design system to help you bring your Great Ideas into reality.

    Stated in a little more detail …

    The Virtual Idea Building Exchange System (V.I.B.E.S.)™ is a system wherein everyone who contributes to the building of an idea, from the conception, development, implementation sales/marketing, support, etc. gets an equitable share of the benefits realized from, in direct proportion to their contributions to, the building of said idea. Therefore, the participants in an idea building / VIBES project contribute their skills, knowledge, time, resources, etc. in exhange for a share in any and all of the benefits that are ever realized from that idea/project.

    … and All for FREE!

    Please find the instructions for you how you may access the V.I.B.E.S. Forums at:

    and you may find more information regarding how you may use and participate in the Virtual Idea Building Exchange System (V.I.B.E.S.) in the V.I.B.E.S. FAQs Forum at:

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